Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Mean Humpty Dumpty

Well here I am again so let's get started. This morning I woke up with a horrific headache and was nauseated. After drinking a glass of milk and taking a couple of aspirins, life is pretty much back to normal.

When the aspirin took effect, I started my daily google search about this tumor. Some of the articles I find are scary, but quite a few of them have a positive spin. One of the things I found out is that I have to shave my head. Evidentially having hair promotes infection during surgery and immediately after. So I need to know what you think. Should I shave my entire head and have fun with wigs? Or should I go with a long Mohawk since I do have some Cherokee blood. I could reconnect with my heritage and maybe buy some moccasins.

My husband and I had the serious talk. Once we faced what the possibilities are, we have decided that on a daily basis we will face this with a sense of humor. So...what that means is that I am taking full advantage. For example, when I want something and I am too lazy to get it myself....I ask my husband to get it for me. It goes something like this..."Honey, will you please get me a cup of tea. I'd get it myself but you know I have this tumor and all...(I drag out the "all"...for a few beats) or if I do something that is not quite pleasing to him and I know he's upset...I just point to my head and frown....gets him every time.

He knows that I'm yanking his chain, but he humors me. Am I scared, no I really don’t think I am. I’m aware of what can happen during surgery. Loss of vision, memory loss (I have already made name tags for everyone and my husband put sticky notes on all of the dogs the other day. haha), confusion, loss of sensations (I’m hoping for taste bud loss...I could stand to lose a few lbs.) and even death. Now that would be a bummer.

I envision this big egg like object (a mean Humpty Dumpty) just sitting pretty on top of my pituitary gland. I try to grab and crack it but it dodges and bobs and weaves, left and right...just out of my reach. I keep trying, knowing I will eventually grab it and squeeze it’s little yellow guts out.

What the heck...a little mind control can't hurt and who knows...miracles are possible. But just in case a miracle is not in my future, I am a realist...so surgery is probably about 2 weeks away. First, I have to undergo some additional tests and get all my ducks in a row. After that...the fun begins.

So, what I hope for you is that if you are going through the same thing or any kind of life threatening medical problem, you are able to face it, overcome it and come out the other side of whatever it is, healthier and happier. For me, humor will keep me positive.

My name is Donna and I have a "Stupid Brain Tumor"


  1. Hi Donna, love the Humpty Dumpty image. Keep 'em coming. I didn't know you'd written a novel. Have you sent it to anyone yet? I'd love to read it.

  2. What a great post! Where is the surgery being done? Can you have visitors - I'll wear a name badge for you?

    Sharon Yeary
