Monday, January 25, 2010

My Stupid Brain Tumor

Today is Monday, January 25th, 2010 and last Thursday I found out I have a brain tumor. Formally it is called a Craniodharyngioma Tumor. But in laymen’s terms it is call, “A Stupid Tumor.”

Evidentially this is a rare type of tumor, because of its location. It is comfortably resting on the top of my pituitary gland, so they will have to remove part of my skull to get to it. YIKES!

How I found out I had a tumor.

About four years ago, I had a lens transplant.
Dr. Carter out of Dallas did the surgery and recently I’ve been having vision trouble, like difficulty driving at night and my peripheral vision was messing up. I was having slight headaches and was constantly nauseated and have started to cough some.

Now, I attributed the vision trouble to the lens transplant. And I figured that the headaches and nausea were from the vision problems. The coughing, I pretty much ignored.

So...I made an appointment with Dr. Carter, the eye guy and expected him to take care of the problem, and then go to lunch with my sister. Well, it didn’t quite work out that way. I was there for 6 hours, going from one test to another. After about the first 3 hours, I knew something might be amiss.

When the testing was all done, Dr. Lee (she is on Dr. Carter’s staff) came into the room and I could tell that the news was probably not good. She told me that the tests pointed to me having a brain tumor and that Dr. Carter would be in shortly to talk to me.

I’m sitting there alone, absorbing and analyzing the news that my whole life just changed when Dr. Carter came in. He emphasized how dire this was and that I didn’t have time to screw around, so he set me up with Dr. Gerhardt, a neurologist.(Dallas) Dr. Marlin arranged for me to have a MRI and when he saw the results, told me that his practice did not operate on that type of tumor so referred me to Dr. Gerhardt,(Dallas) a Neurosurgeon.

Dr. Marlin studied the films and told me this was a rare tumor and he didn’t do this type of surgery either, so he gave me the name of someone who does. I have an appointment this coming Wednesday, with Dr. Raymond LeBlanc (Fort Worth, Tx), a doctor I have seen in the past. I trust him and he and I will find the right doctor to do this surgery.

I really didn’t have time to think about the situation until I was back home. It’s scary to know that in less than a month I could be dead. So how do I prepare for that? My husband of 31 years is pretty freaked out and tomorrow I’m having lunch with my daughter, her husband and my mother in law, because I need to tell them what’s going on.

I am one of those people who cannot stand to have people pity me. I sent an email to my friends and told them that NO PITY is allowed. Me, personally...I don’t feel sick and honestly I don’t want to be reminded of my malady. I need good karma around me. This blog that I am writing will chronicle my journey from good to perfect. So welcome to my life changing event. I hope you wish me well and I hope my trip will help you with your venture through life.


  1. Donna:
    How like you to just throw it all out there. If anyone can get through this, you can. I have never met a more optimistic person in my life. You are my friend. I love you and I'm going to be there for you every step of the way.

  2. Donna, I agree with Ruby. You are one of the most optimistic, energetic people I have known and I know you are going to beat this 'stupid tumor' with your tenacity. Best of luck and rest assured we will all be there for you. :)

  3. Dear Donna, thanks for posting this blog. It's great to know what's going on. Much love to you and Eddie. You are in my prayers and good thoughts always. I am anxious to hear when you find a doctor you trust.

  4. Mom,

    I am so proud of you for being so brave to post your feelings in such a public way. I am so priviliged to be a product of such a wonderful, insperational woman who I know will make it through this with no problems and be back on your feet in no time. I Love You! -Kelli

  5. Hi Mrs. Lasko. I am a colleague of your daughter Kelli (who is a sweetheart). I just love your attitude about this "stupid brain tumor" and am lifting you and your family up in prayer. I look forward to reading your updates.

  6. Hey Donna, This blog is a great idea! Thanks. Mom told me that this tumor could be causing some of your other medical problems. Can you shed some light on this and what it might mean for you in the long run. When this is all over and you are in the best of health again, we will laugh about how you Never do anything half measure. Love, Susie

  7. Junie I and many others are thinking of you in prayer. I agree with one of the comments posted that you are an inspiration and a true optimist. It is always nice to see you and your positive approach to life in general. Love your cousin MK

  8. Junie, this is a see if this comment will post....your sis
