Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am Loving Life.

Sounds strange saying that after begging for an instant death and release from pain forever, however, life can never be taken too lightly. I was treated for a "Stupid Brain Tumor" at UT Southwestern University Hospital - Zale Lipshey.
Not only were the doctors, nurses, technitions, valets who parked my familie's cars, the folks who checked my bodily functions, the guy who made sure my a/c was working and keeping me comfortable, the women and men who mopped my floor, and their peers who changed my sheets, including everyone who always delivered my food with a smile on their face. (The food was really good also) to the employees who just dropped by to make sure I was OK, excellent, they made the experience a memorable one and made me remember how people are supposed to treat each other.
Their kindness, concern and caring touched my heart every time they entered my room and I will be thankful on a daily basis as to how each and every one of these caring individuals contributed to saving my life.

I know I am being all sappy and I'm having a Touched by an Angel moment , but I am thankful to be alive and I just wanted everyone involved in that process to know that I realize it is because of them that I am sucking it in and exhaling it out.

So to sum up this flowering mess, I want to thank my family, friends and professional team for their decision....

Thank you for deciding I was worth the effort.

My name is Donna and I will live another day because of you.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing so much with us. I am sure it will help others. I thankful for every day you have with your loved ones.
